One of the things that drew me to this app was its serene yet absorbing pace. In a screen-dominated world where media creators compete for attention with frenetic video sequences and clickbait, it was a simultaneously refreshing and soothing experience. Opening Betwixt is like stepping into another realm, a liminal space that instantly and naturally lulls the mind and heart into an open, receptive state.
The stories in Betwixt are dreams. As the main character, you’re given choices. How do you want to respond to your experience? Ordinarily, it might be tempting to click through choices just to get through the story, but this app creates such an immersive world that taking the time to think about each choice is calming and enjoyable.
Imagery from Betwixt:

The Impact
The creators of Betwixt have conducted research on the effects of their interactive narrative on emotion regulation, stress, and well-being with positive results. A clear overview of the science and research behind their design is available on their website.
“The distinct combination of story and play that you find in Betwixt goes beyond delight; it’s actually key to the app’s positive impacts. Interactive narrative creates a low-stakes environment that enables experiential learning: a potent way of mastering new skills through self-driven exploration, rather than instruction. What’s more, Betwixt’s immersive experience has been designed to strengthen and focus attention, directing it to those areas where self-awareness can make the biggest difference.”
Source: Betwixt website